Friday, July 30, 2010

Looking in a Different Direction

Just yesterday, I looked up what day of the week Nov. 15, 1982 was--- and it was a Monday. This means that the party at Joe Silva's house probably wasn't a weekend 'rager' like I had assumed before.

The demographic kind of changes in my mind; maybe there weren't as many kids there as I had originally thought, and perhaps there wasn't a 'code of silence' among the party goers.

Does anyone happen to know if Deanna had some major enemies that may have wanted to hurt her? It may not have been a random attack, but something that was planned by kids who, perhaps, hated De Anna.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jim Z, Aging Well?

One of the people who is posting on the Vacaville Reporter thread got these pictures from James Zimmermann's Facebook page.
I wanted to be extra careful in the search for Jim Zimmermann because posting someone's information who just happens to have the same name, yet has nothing to do with the case, is totally unfair to that 'random' person who happens to have the same name. From all the cross references I've found on the internet, I'm pretty sure we've got the right guy. If not, please leave a comment, and I'll be sure to take down the photos.
Smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile and say cheeeeeeeeeese!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Newspaper Articles Before the Internet!

Here is another blog dedicated to De Anna and her family; it tells the end of her story.

28 Years

...and there's no arrest in sight. We have all been speculating about what happened, but perhaps if we contact the CA attorney general, the case may be examined with new eyes. May I suggest that you email Jerry Brown and let him know our concern?

Here is the link to contact the office of the attorney general:

Another Current Picture of Markle Jr. (Ziggy)

Here he is, along with his wife.
Courtesy of Gemineye &

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trying to Find the Final Two

If anyone knows how to contact Joe Silva or Jim Zimmermann, please leave the information in the comments.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Flashback Photos

Marvin Markle Jr. (Ziggy) as a sr. in
high school. 1983
Joe Silva as a jr. in high school. 1982
Bryan Ariza as a sophomore in high
school. 1982

Here are three pictures from the Vaca High yearbooks! This is what the boys looked like around the time the murder occurred... no picture of Jim Zimmermann.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Picture of Bryan Ariza

This is Bryan Ariza, who is also implicated in De Anna's murder.

He was the only one ever arrested for the crime, but was never prosecuted.

Bryan, did you do it!??? If not, just admit who did, and you'll receive
a $50,000 reward.

Filling in the Blanks

There are some very strange things/events about the 1982 De Anna Johnson murder...
  1. Jim Silva, the boy who lived at the house which had the party, was the nephew of a police officer
  2. Bryan Ariza went on to have two daughters, one of which was killed in an automobile accident that was his fault. He was under the influence and crashed his van, which held his 12 year old daughter, Erika, and Bryan's boyfriend; they both were killed. The accident happened on the exact date of De Anna's murder twenty years later. Bryan served time for child endangerment.
  3. No one has ever said a word, even though there is a $50,000 reward from the state of California.
  4. Ariza is gay, Zimmermann is bi-sexual, and Markle's wife states that she is bi-sexual. This seems to be a significant information, and probably even more significant in 1982 when there were very few people who were openly gay.

to be continued....

How to Make Sense of it All

The story is so confusing, and since it happened so long ago, it's even harder to put the pieces back together. I was in 11th grade when De Anna was murdered, and when I started to research her story just a few weeks ago, I began without even knowing her name; I only knew that she had left a house party and then was later found dead. I didn't even know the correct year in which it all happened, but I did happen to remember that there were three boys that were implicated, and that a lot of kids appeared to know who they were, but they upheld the 'code of silence' and no one was ever prosecuted for the crime.

Thanks to the 'Vacaville Reporter' topix thread, I have put the particulars together. Hopefully we'll learn more as time goes on.

Joe Silva lived in a house along with Jim Zimmermann (19 years old) who was a boarder. There was a house party at their place, and as usual there was a lot of high schoolers drinking and using drugs. De Anna Johnson attended the party and it's not clear if she was killed at the house, or if she left the party and then was later killed. She was strangled and bludgeoned in the head so badly that her dental records had to be referenced for an identification. The rumor at the time was that she left the party and was seen with three boys. The boys implicated were Jim Zimmermann (the 19 year old son of James Zimmermann, the pastor at Vacaville's Bethany Lutheran church), Marvin Ray 'Ziggy' Markle, and Bryan Ariza (who was a high school sophomore at the time).

I don't have any facts regarding how the Vacaville police department dealt with the case, but only know that Bryan Ariza was arrested, after a Grand Jury heard all the evidence, in 1986 but was never indicted for the murder. The police department has always kept tabs on the suspect(s) but never has moved forward with an arrest and trial.

I'm hoping for much more information, and for someone to eventually receive the $50,000 reward for a conviction of the guilty person/people.

Monday, July 12, 2010

One more picture (looks to be less recent)